Schedules & Charges

Discount Schedules, Storage & HTA Charges


Futures fixed contracting fees:

2026 crop year – 5c on corn and wheat, 10c on soybeans

2027 crop year - 10c on corn and wheat, 20c on soybeans

  • WCAS will not be averaging test weight or moisture discounts.

  • We will be offering open storage on 2024 harvest grain at 10 cents/month. Max 35c on wheat and 30c on corn and soybeans.


All Discount Schedules are subject to change.

 Click image to enlarge to downloadable PDF.

HTA Fees

New Crop 2025 & 2026 HTA Fees:

New Crop 2025
Wheat 5c
Corn 5c
Soybeans 10c 

New Crop 2026
Wheat 10c
Corn 10c
Soybeans 20c