Improve Fungicide Response on Corn

Jul 19, 2019

A fungicide application represents a considerable investment. Be sure you get the most from it by answering these three questions before applying: What is the hybrid to be sprayed? What is the weather outlook for application day? What is the disease that’s being treated?

After that, determine which adjuvants should go in the tank. If 25 percent of your fungicide doesn’t reach its target, that means product — and money — is vanishing into thin air. An adjuvant helps keep fungicides and insecticides where they belong and helps deposit the product’s active ingredient deep into the crop canopy where it will be most effective.
MasterLock adjuvant hits the spot
Aerial applications are more common in cornfields at this time of the year and they use less water, which adds to the challenge of getting crop protection products where you want them. In 14 WinField United trials at locations in eight states between 2012 and 2017, adding MasterLock® adjuvant to the spray tank increased corn yields by an average of 5.7 bushels per acre compared to fungicide alone.
This data, along with our response-to-fungicide findings, can mean even more to you during this application season. (Note: This data includes third-party trials.)

MasterLock Adjuvant Helps Improve Fungicide Response to Corn Graph
Benefits that pay off
Specifically created to enhance the performance of fungicides and insecticides in mid- to late postemergence applications to corn and soybeans, MasterLock offers a range of benefits:
  • Improved spray deposition
  • Increased canopy penetration
  • Enhanced adhesion, reduced bounce and increased coverage because droplets stick and spread
  • Reduced spray drift and pesticide evaporation
MasterLock is also not formulated with NPE, which has been linked to Arrested Ear Syndrome in corn, mostly when applied during vegetative growth stages.
Enhance coverage and increase control
 To control diseases and insects that live below the canopy, MasterLock enhances deposition to deliver fungicides and insecticides lower into the canopy for improved coverage of the plant. In numerous research trials, MasterLock has been shown to decrease the incidence of infection from diseases and help improve insect control with insecticides.
Make sure that if fungicide is on your expense sheet this year that you get the full ROI out of it by adding an adjuvant to the tank. Chat with us if you have any questions on your late-season application plans.

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